Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bad Breath Cures - Some Highlighted One

Halitosis or bad breath is a common problem nowadays encountered with specially those who take little care of their dental health and hygiene. There are many names given to bad breath like oral malodor, breath odor, fega bosta, foul mouth, feter oris etc. However the basic name is bad breath and they can have quite an impact on a person's life - whether social or personal. People who have this instant problem then take help from a dentist and adopt some ways and cures to treat themselves.

Everyone has been through this problem at one point in their lives. There is a very simple way to check whether your smell is foul or not; all you have to do is to cup your hands on your mouth, exhale your breath and then quickly sniff it before it disappears. if your breath is foul, you will get to know that. Bad breath has been classified as a social and a personal problem which can cause embarrassment, humiliation and other absurd feelings in a person who experiences it. it can also reduce his self-confidence level and therefore it is recommended to take some home cures and remedies to overcome this problem. However, if the problem still persists, then contacting the dentist is the best choice available. Bad breath can also be caused with the presence of bacteria in mouth.

There are some cures and treatment of bad breath. They are listed as follows:


1. Taking drugs and cigarettes can become a main cause in bad breath. It is recommended that smokers should take the help of baking soda as it is said to have a fantastic result as it has an active ingredient pH which helps to change the acidity level in your mouth, thus ridding you of a foul mouth. A mouth full of baking soda can be taken in mouth and after rinsing spit out and results can be seen.

2. Sometimes, mouths that are dry and especially those who skip their breakfasts, go on diets can become a victim of this problem. Such people are advised to take citric acid and some of the fruits high on citric acid such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit etc. they remove the dryness from your mouth and help you attain a fresh, clean mouth.

3. Tongue brushing is very important as our tongue contains certain bacteria which, if not removed can cause bad breath.

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